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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Download Magnetic Partners Books PDF Free

Magnetic Partners PDF
By:Stephen Betchen
Published on 2010-05-18 by Simon and Schuster

Do you and your partner argue about the same things over and over again? Are you often confused about why your partner is so angry with you? Are things getting worse and worse even though you’ve tried everything you can think of to make them better? In this breakthrough guide to repairing romantic relationships, therapist and marriage researcher Dr. Stephen Betchen presents a powerful new explanation of what leads to this kind of escalating conflict in couples and how you can repair your relationship and find a whole new level of happiness. Based on his extensive experience as a couples’ therapist, Dr. Betchen has discovered that the prevailing idea that opposites attract is wrong. Instead, one of the strongest forces that attracts people to one another is that they share a hidden, inner conflict in their lives—an unconscious struggle within themselves that each of them developed growing up—which he calls a |master conflict.| The fact that a couple shares a master conflict acts as an almost magnetic force of attraction, but, over time, master conflicts often begin to push a pair apart—many of the very things you most appreciated about each other start to grate on you, producing increasing hostility. The good news is that by identifying the master conflict that you share, you and your partner can take the steps to break the cycle of fighting and come to a new place of understanding and happiness in your relationship. Often, just the realization that you have this hidden conflict acts as a powerful cure, allowing you to appreciate each other once again and to be empathetic about the things that have been irritating you both. From his years of work with couples, Betchen has identified the nineteen most common master conflicts—such as getting your needs met vs. caretaking; giving vs. withholding; commitment vs. freedom; power vs. passivity—and for each he provides vivid stories of couples who have struggled with them, as well as simple tests that help you to: • Identify the core master conflict that is causing your relationship problems • Understand the origins of your conflict and how it drew you to your partner • Diagnose how the conflict is now pushing you apart • Come to new terms with the conflict to save your relationship As Dr. Betchen writes, knowledge of a master conflict is power, and Magnetic Partners is an empowering guide that will help you not only to identify and control your master conflict, but also to bring your relationship to a new level based on deeper understanding, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and long-term resilience. Partners

This Book was ranked at 17 by Google Books for keyword Orgasmes.

Book ID of Magnetic Partners's Books is t199KZ9kLbAC, Book which was written byStephen Betchenhave ETAG "97/QvEykz0I"

Book which was published by Simon and Schuster since 2010-05-18 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781439109540 and ISBN 10 Code is 1439109540

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "240 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategorySelf-Help

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true

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